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Our Story

We are a husband and wife team, who share a vision of making a contribution to the development of our society.

The MSI is built on the land where Nepo’s family lived before the Genocide Against the Tutsi 1994. Tragically, all of Nepo’s family were killed in the Genocide. As a family we chose to return to this land and work towards reconciliation and unity in the community. Our dream is for our children to grow up in a truly transformed Rwanda that is peaceful and unified. The decades old cycles of ethnic divisionism and violence can be broken by practical reconciliation initiatives that unite the community around the common goal of economic development.

Meet The MSI Team

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Co-founder & Director


Nepo is a survivor of the Genocide Against the Tutsis 1994; the land the MSI is built on is his family land, where he was born and where his family lived, before they were all killed in the Genocide. Nepo’s vision is to create a unified and reconciled Rwanda, that never returns to the horrors of the past. Nepo has received the National Unity Award in 2022 for his commitment to unity and reconciliation. Nepo is a graduate of Kigali Institute of Technology and a long- term advocate for the rights of Genocide Survivors. He is currently President of Ibuka, Eastern Province, a national advocacy organisation for Genocide survivors. In his youth he established the Nursery of Peace Association to provide a network of social support for Genocide orphans and survivors. In 2022, Nepo was awarded the prestigious National Unity Prize, by the Rwandan President and First Lady, for his work in promoting reconciliation and unity in Rwanda.

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Co-founder & Director


Sabrina was born in Tasmania, Australia.


From an early age she had a fascination with African politics and history. She gained her law degree from the School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, her Masters in Security studies from the University of Sydney and her MPhil in African studies from the University of Cambridge.


She has previously worked in both Australia and Africa as a political researcher and policy advisor. She has lived in Rwanda since 2015.

Our work is possible because of a hardworking local team and the commitment of generous international supporters.

The MSI currently employs 26 permanent staff;

Our Patrons:
Hon Warwick Smith AM and Kathryn Joy Smith

Contact Us:



0788817565 (Whatsapp) 


Rwankuba Village, Murambi Sector

Gatsibo District, Eastern Province, Rwanda


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